Job Application & Interview Skills

Who Should Attend

You might be considering a change of company, or career. Perhaps it is some time since you wrote a Job Application and were interviewed for a job? In both cases you will find this training day really gives you encouragement, food for thought and helps to sharpen you up.
Organisations have also made our training available to give much appreciated support to employees who are affected by organisational restructuring.


Applying for a job and being interviewed for a position are two important occasions where it is expected that you will ‘blow your own trumpet’. So you need to be confident that you can play some great tunes that the potential employer will enjoy hearing.
We designed this day’s training to give participants the opportunity to gain skills and insights that are invaluable when writing a job application, preparing for an interview and being interviewed. Our aim is to enable the candidate to handle the pressures in those situations, to give the best possible account of their expertise and experience and increase their prospects of success.


As a result of your active participation in this training:

  • You will be very clear about what you have to offer an employer.
  • You will know how to present your knowledge, skills and experience in a Job Application and make them count.
  • You will know how to prepare yourself in the days before an interview and how to conduct yourself during and after it.
  • You will have practised the skills needed to communicate with confidence and clarity in an interview.


  • Identifying what you offer in terms of knowledge, skills and experience.
  • Compiling and maintaining an up to date CV source file.
  • Using job search facilities.
  • Understanding what competencies are and how they are used by interviewers to short list applicants and rate interviewees.
  • Structuring examples for use in applications and in interviews.
  • How to represent what you offer in a well-written Job Application Form and make it count.
  • The Four Essential Disciplines for Interviews.
  • What to expect in a Competency-based Interview process.
  • Practising influential interview skills.
  • Techniques for controlling nervousness and maintaining presence of mind in an interview.
  • Asking for and using feedback to develop your job application and interview skills.

Pre-Course Work

Send for, or download and print off, 3 Job Application forms for jobs that interest you and bring them with you.