Conducting the Appraisal Meeting

Who Should Attend

Anyone who needs to conduct performance reviews and appraisal and to understand how they work as a development tool.


On this course we will identify and develop the skills required to conduct an effective appraisal/performance review meeting and formulate a comprehensive plan for the meeting using the documentation as an agenda.


At the end of this training programme participants will be able to :

• Understand the benefits of an effective system for the Appraisee, the Appraiser and the Organisation
• Set clear individual objectives in line with departmental and business needs
• Prepare both themselves and the Appraisee
• Review and measure past performance


• Benefits of an effective system for all
• Objective setting
• Structuring the meeting to ensure consistency and eliminate any bias
• Preparation to ensure all parties are able to participate fully and to obtain the best possible experience of the appraisal meeting
• Reviewing and measuring past performance
• Awareness of any appropriate legislation
• Positive body language
• Completing the paperwork and official requirements
• Skills practice to consolidate the learning